08 July 2017

I fell in love with the alps...

In June I went to a lake in the alps with my family and I honestly have to say: I fell in love!

We went to the Tegernsee, which is in the very beginning of the mountains, but we drove to other lakes, too. I used to spend my vacation near the mountains a lot when I was a kid, but those memories are completely different from the new ones I got now. The whole vibes were perfect, and before, I had never been someone who liked hiking a lot, but once you see which beautiful places, you can get to by hiking, you'll start loving it! When I'm 18 and allowed to drive myself, the first thing I'm going to do is getting a few friends and some good music in a car and doing a road trip to Austria or Switzerland.

I fell in love with woodstocks too...

the sylvenstein dam in Austria
all those beautiful flowers on the shielings 

I found a little friend at the Rottacher waterfalls

summer nights with beautiful sunsets 

Germanys highest mountain was vaguely perceptible

another sunset pic, because why not?

this was the first time I saw a "real" waterfall, and I absolutely loved it!

bag: Fjällräven
shorts: Bershka
white sweater & shirt: Brandy Melville

1 comment:

  1. Wow - es sieht ja mega schön dort aus!

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