03 November 2016

my Spain exchange

Last week I went to Spain with my school for an exchange. My guest family was super nice and I really found some friends there. The trips, that we made, were all very nice and I wouldn't have mind staying a week more! We were in a village near  Valencia and the house of my guest family was only two minutes away from the beach. Because I have never been to Spain before, everything was very new for me. My guest family really showed me all the spanish traditions. I had a lot of fun and maybe I will accept the offer of my guest family and visit them next summer.

architecturepark Valencia

I made these pictures in Valencia. They have a kind of a park there, with lots of BEAUTIFUL BUILDINGS, that content museums, an aquarium and other things. For me, this was the point on our trip list, that I was looking for the most. We went there right after the sunrise and I really thought I'd dream, because the buildings and the lightning was so beautiful!

Architecture... should be able to excite you, to calm you, to make you think

I made these pictures over the entire week:

in Valencia

the view from the Castillo de Sagunto 

each evening we met up with everybody at the beach

a dome  in the  market hall  in Valencia

that was a really nice floor :D

Now I'd really like to know if you ever took part in an exchange, and how it was...


  1. Schöner Post. Die Bilder sind super! Gefallen mir richtig gut :)
    Liebe Grüße,


    1. Vielen Lieben Dank! Das freut mich wirklich :)


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