15 February 2016

Cold days

Even though I'm a bit late, I wanted to show you my winter impressions:
To sum it up, I really loved this year's winter, because we had lots of snow, and there were enough possibilities to take snow pictures and to cuddle with my blanket on cold winter days and lying in bed with a good book and a cup of tea. I hope your winter was as good as mine and you were just as lazy me ;)

how beautiful water is, is clear, but it gets even more beautiful when it becomes ice

glitter shooting in the snow 


  1. Die Bilder sind echt schön. Bei mir hat es bis jetzt nur 2mal geschneit und der Schnee ist nicht mal liegengeblieben.

    Liebe Geüße Marie

    1. Dankeschön! Das ist natürlich schade, dass ihr so wenig Schnee hattet :(


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